Explosive Chemistry: Fae in Fayetteville 2

The deal just went through with City Owl Press on my second book in the Liliana and the Fae in Fayetteville series, Explosive Chemistry! WOO HOO! First book isn’t out yet, and I’m not done writing the third one, but the second book is sold. So, guaranteed if you like the first one, the second will be right behind it.

Not sure if “Liliana and the Fae in Fayetteville” is the final series title yet. Editors at City Owl are still discussing it, but I especially like the Fae in Fayetteville part, so hopefully it won’t get changed too much. First book, for anyone who didn’t already know is Precise Oaths, and will be launching June 13. Unless the City Owl folks decide to change the title, because … publishing.
Other Author Stuff
I’d love to have some folks volunteer to read Precise Oaths and put Amazon reviews up live before the official launch in June. So, hit me up and let me know if you’re willing to do that. I will only have a limited number of digital copies, so be sure you can post a review if you volunteer to take one.
I’m not sure the Contact Me form is working on my site, or rather, it’s working, but I have 165 spam contacts, so it might not be the best way to get hold of me. I used to pretty much live on Twitter @paigeewing, but I’m branching out a bit, so you can probably also catch me @[email protected] or @paigeewing on Spoutible.
I need a new author photo. I’ve been using a pretty decent mirror selfie I took a few years back for everything. The pandemic made it pretty hard to get my hair done, get out to a pro photographer and all that. But the real problem was that I live in the middle of nowhere. The only photographer I could find withing thirty miles of me is called “Southern Twang Photography” and does country outdoors kind of pics. So, that’s what my author photo is going to be. She’s coming day after tomorrow! Ack.
I’ve been slacking on #GeekTrivia lately on line. My husband and I are poly, but we might as well not have been for the last three years. Our third couldn’t get here. He lives in Illinois, moved there because he hates the heat in Texas. Finally came to stay with us for a bit last week, and it was wonderful having him here. We did lots of fun things. We had a fancy dinner at The Harvest restaurant in Comanche. He and Joe made a batch of mead. The one thing I didn’t do is spend time on the computer when my day job was done, so I didn’t post a single #geektrivia question. But, in case you want to play, here are the ones still in play:
#GeekTrivia question from @AlanJPorter:
What’s the familial connection between The Lone Ranger and The Green Hornet ?
#GeekTrivia question from @PeteMC666:
In Neuromancer, what brand of cigarettes does Case smoke?
#GeekTrivia question from @RobertGFerrell:
In the TV show Grimm, what is Monroe’s full name?
I’ll put the answers at the very bottom.
Day Job and Other Life Stuff
In other news, I’m insanely busy with the data management and analytics software day job. My company got acquired a few weeks ago, so everything is discombobulated. Plus, spring is the busy season for travel to speak at various conferences. I’ll be at a SINC IT & Security event in Dallas next week, in Las Vegas to speak at IWCE, a big telecom conference the week after, and in Orlando for the Gartner conference at the end of March. Whee.
Plus, my husband, Joe and I are going to attend an SCA event, April 1 in Mineral Wells, Texas, Ansteorran Trident: A Day of the Blade, Bow, and Bard. We got in a bit of practice last weekend with archery and thrown weapons, so hopefully we won’t entirely suck in the tournaments.
Spring is springing in Texas, even though there is still likely to be one more freeze. We’re getting a little rain, which my parched land really needs, and I got 4 bare root climbing roses shipped to me that I need to plant this weekend. Joe built me a whole wall of trellises on the side of the carport, so climbers are required! I’ll be a gardening fool tomorrow. I also got some strawberry plants, and as many bags of compost as I could wedge in my car. Joe wants me to expand one of my garden beds to match the width of another one because he’s a bit obsessive about straight lines and such.
So, what does that mean? More space to plant stuff!
Since the garden is still dormant, though, no new pics. I did get a pic of a bunny stealing fallen seed under my bird feeder in the fall five feet from my bedroom window.

And I’ll throw in a pic of my double delight rose blooming last year.

Catch y’all next time,
#GeekTrivia answers:
The Green Hornet’s father was the Lone Ranger’s nephew.
Case smokes a Japanese brand: Yeheyuans.
Monroe’s full name is Eddie Monroe.