Precise Oaths LAUNCH DAY!! Plus My Event Schedule

Woo Hoo! Book Birthday!
You can buy Precise Oaths on Amazon for today only for 99 cents. So, snag a copy while it’s on sale. Or, snag it wherever you like to buy books. Precise Oaths is on Barnes and Noble for 99 cents today also. As of today, Precise Oaths is LIVE on every platform!
I want to say another huge THANK YOU! to everyone who did an advanced review on Goodreads. Still need all the reviews you’re willing to give, now on Amazon and wherever you buy books. I’ve had a couple folks apologize to me for their reviews being short or not as polished as they think it should be, etc. Don’t worry about your review being absolutely wonderful. A few honest lines about what you thought of the book is perfect.
Reviews are like author treats. 😉
Good writer. (pat on head) Here, have a review.
I’ll be at various places talking in person or online. I’d love it if you’d stop by. I’ll keep this list current, and add it to the website, maybe on the Who is Paige page.
June 15: ​FreshFiction guest post – Conversations in Character with Liliana
July 1 – The Fanboy and the Hater podcast guest appearance
July 14th – Dessert Social and Author Night at Copperas Cove Library in Texas
Aug 4 – 7 – Armadillocon in Austin, TX
More TBD.
Also, if you’re in the SCA, I’ll be at various events like Ravensfort Defender. Thinking about even going to Trade Days way up in Northern Oklahoma. But mostly not until September for the most part, when Texas stops trying to bake us.
Life Stuff
Spent last weekend at an SCA event. It was hot. Suspect our SCA participation is going to drop some for the next few months until the weather gets better. But, had a great time. Got a nice award! King’s Archer. It’s an award given for one extra cool act for the kingdom related to missile weapons. I suspect, since the award has been chasing me since 2019, that it was probably for starting a thrown weapons practice in my area, as well as helping my husband get an archery practice going.
I’ve been bringing a cool-looking book with me to events where I’m not that physically active. (No archery or thrown weapons at this event.) I sketch random things in the book with pens. Nothing great because no one stands still, but it’s fun and keeps me occupied.
My grandson, Kayden just had his, 3rd birthday. He was born super-premie and it was touch and go if he was going to survive for a while, but he’s alive and well, and now has a baby brother, Diego. They’re both all kinds of adorable, and hopefully, will come visit next month! And bring their mom and dad, I suppose.
Nature and Random Butterfly Pics
Talk to you soon!
I think we were friends back around 84 until about the time I went on the road working Renaissance festivals. It’s good to see your face again.
Wow! Kermyt, Hi!! How are you? My old college friend Sloan was on the Renfaire circuit for a while, too.
What are you up to? Would be great to catch up a bit on another channel.
I’m Paige Roberts on FB and IM:
Paigeewing on Twitter, paigeewing_author on Instagram and Threads.
Connect up! I’d love to chat.