Paige E. Ewing

I write about superheroes and sentient cities, were-spiders and gun-loving fairies, werewolves and fighter pilots. For my day job, I give speeches and write about big data analysis, open source, and data engineering architectures, a subject which also doubles as a sleep aid for many. For fun, I shoot arrows, and throw axes at people and things. I live in the middle of nowhere, Texas, and will show you far too many pictures of my garden if you let me. I once invented a way to grow food on Mars that NASA liked, and have a cute trophy to show for it. My dogs and horses are unimpressed.

Paige E. Ewing


Hi folks, I haven’t been writing here much. Been sending newsletters to everyone who subscribed to them instead. Actually, I was remiss on even that for a while, but it’s definitely the best way to keep up with me. Here’s where the newsletters are getting posted. Or, of course, you can subscribe and get them […]

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