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My short stories are often in the same worlds as my books, with some of the same characters. Download one, and you get both a fun free story to read, and a sneak peak to see if one of my books might interest you.

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Precise Oaths, first book in the Liliana and the Fae of Fayetteville came out in June, 2023, and book 2, Explosive chemistry came out in November. Book 3, Obsidian Prince is out in November 2024.

The story for Liliana is just a cute little excerpt that happens after Explosive Chemistry (2) and just before Obsidian Prince (3). 

The paranormal romantic suspense Aurora Pack series is out on sub to various publishers. Enjoy the story about the two brothers who are the main characters of book 1 and book 2!

a black wolf with blue eyes, a werewolf in wolf form
Black Sheep in a Werewolf Pack

They say a pack is only as strong as its weakest member, but what if its strongest member refuses to fight?

Precise Oaths cover - Woman at night in suburbs with long black hair, bright red dress, too many eyes and blades on her arms.
Liliana's Dilemma

She has permission now to enter the Army base, but she doesn't officially exist. Fortunately, Liliana is good at getting past guards.

Read My Older stories

I’ve been publishing for a long time, but I took a hiatus for a few years to write some brand new novels. 

Some of my old stories and books are still out there for sale in digital form. Snag a copy if you want to read something fun.

Also, I’ve sold a short story or two recently, including a sci fi story to the Learning to Be Human anthology from FlameTree Press. It includes some stories by authors you’ve never heard of like H. G. Wells, Mary Shelley, and Damian Knight. (Insert total fangirl squee here!!!)

Flyboy in Space and Time Magazine

She was just out flying one day, and there was this guy in a flight suit ...

Damson Dragon Diary: What is a Hero?

My name is Damson. I earn a living as an EMT, saving folks. I have to hide that I’m a dragon, but what's the point of being different if I can't make a difference?